Monday, August 13, 2012

Holidays to remember

Holidays to remember

After traveling a few places already I still have many vacation spots on my list to visit one day.
But the best things always happen unexpected.
After my year of struggling to get back on the feets it happened that I met my future husband. I wasn't even thinking about a new relationship. My aim was to get along peacefully again just with me in my life. Concentrating on a second person too was not my plan. But as I already wrote in a former post, there he was, entering my life without me being able to deny it.
To see him again we had to plan where and when.
As we both didn't want to make it too complicated we just took the middle of the distance and decided that we meet on Cyprus. No big hotel or all inclusive, we wanted to share daily life to see if we really are able to go along together in a near to normal surrounding.
We booked an apartment with a small kitchen, no restaurant, no breakfast buffet, nothing extra than in normal life also.
These holidays turned out to be the best we ever had although we both weren't sure about it when we entered Cyprus from different continents and cultures.
Seventeen days to try daily stuff compared with holidays, relaxation and all this in a nice surrounding.
Our apartment was in a small cypriotic village and not in the tourism hotspots. It was interesting to discover routine things like stocking up the fridge, what to cook today, how do you drink your coffee in the morning, what may be bad habits the other one doesn't like.
We met before but that wasn't the same as the period was much more shorter and main part for us was to become acquainted. After our first meeting we met daily on Skype and talked several hours per night. This was the time where we shared our stories about childhood, where we were raised and how, when we started to work and as what, and also which aims we have for our life and which values count. I already thought during this time he could be the one.
But struggles in normal circumstances or while living together should not be underestimated so I told him nothing about my feelings.
What we discovered on this small island is that we both like so many similar things, we have so much in common and most things were easy going. But the most important is that we love each other. A feeling which cannot be described. It was there and we felt it deep inside and it didn't vanished up to today. It's growing each day.
On the last day we sat in a cafè and knew exactly what we want - a life together. Whatever we will face, as long as we are together, we will manage it.
You can think now how blue eyed Miss Faith maybe is...
First I'm green eyed and second is that we for sure have many things where we have to discuss, to make compromises, to even have small fights as our opinions are so different in some points.
But as long as we are talking and as long as we can say I love you it will not stop us from going this way together.
My grandmom told me one day that difficulties in life are there to manage them instead of running away. Giving up too quickly will never make you happy. And she was married more than fifty years to my granddad.
And what's important? Here we go keep the faith!


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